Sunday, February 19, 2012

Paint Splattered

I have a tendency to make grand sweeping statements based on very little data, like the time I once said that nothing much happened in the Middle Ages in comparison with the Renaissance for a first-year paper. And now I'm going to say that based on these two outfits at NYFW paint splattered pants are a thing. Printed pants (and skirts and dresses, etc) are certainly popping up everywhere, but artist studio-inspired prints of splattered paint or inkblot patterns have been catching my eye. Probably has something to do with an impressionist-style splattered print on a dress I bought off the sale rack at French Connection in the summer. It had just arrived in that morning from the SoHo store, and the sales guy was so pleased that I fell for it. 

1 & 2. Erin Kling
3. Claire Geist
4. Rhian Grimstead
5. 3.1 Philip Lim paint splatter drape skirt