Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Kennedys Miniseries

The 4-part miniseries airs (in Canada) on April 10th! The History Channel in the US pulled the plug on this a while ago and I don't know if a new network has been found to air it - check out here for the dirt on this and how the Kennedys are presumed to be behind pulling the plug on airing it in the States.

I saw the preview on tv for the first time the other day. Like most people I'm interested to see if Katie Holmes can rise to the challenge of playing the First Lady - the voiceover and the still images are really good - the clothes! Can't wait for this!

Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes as John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy

Image sources: herehere and here respectively

And on a (sort of) related note - I came across this feature on Vanity Fair's website from their April issue. It's an excerpt from actress Christina Haag's memoir, a former girlfriend of John F. Kennedy Jr.