Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spring Fever: Hot Soup In Anticipation of Warmer Weather

I swear it was Spring just two days ago, but now the winter wind chill is back and so I'm fighting back with french lentil soup.

Saturday morning after whipping up a batch of brownies at a friends', she threw together a delicious lentil soup and now I've got it on the brain to do the same. This recipe from epicurious is pretty similar to the one we found in her Joy of Cooking cookbook. I'm excited to taste what the dash of balsamic at the end does for the overall flavour. I'm also kind of tempted to add something spicy to give it more of a kick, but since I hate to deviate from a recipe that I haven't made a hundred times already, I probably will just add extra pepper.

Image from Bon Appetit magazine (via epicurious.com)